Thursday, September 08, 2005

I have some how managed to avoid paying over $3.00 per gallon for gasoline. How was I able to accomplish such a feat? Well, last Monday when I heard about the destructive possibilities of Hurricane Katrina I made a wise decision to fill up the gas tank even though it was only half full (this is very unlikely as most often than not, I like to see how far I can drive once the gas light comes on). Knowing that gasoline prices would rise due to the damaged oil refineries on the Gulf, I got gas that Monday after work. By that Thursday gasoline prices had risen from $2.49 per gallon to $3.29 per gallon. You could watch the station price signs change by the hour. Then once the weekend came, prices dropped back $0.10. Finally by early week gasoline had dropped back to $2.99 per gallon. As luck would have it, I barely traveled this week in my car except to and from work so I have yet to fill up since last Monday, thus avoiding paying more than $3.00 per gallon at the pump. My Cavalier will be running on fumes come next week, but I'm getting gas as cheap as I possibly can. I have a bad feeling the $2.00 plus prices are here to stay though...

But it's hard to complain about such petty things these days when I have such commodities as a place to stay, and food to eat...

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