Saturday, September 30, 2006

C'est Moi.So I finally got myself hooked up with a Facebook account. It took months and months of patients, but Facebook finally opened its doors to non-collegiate email addresses. This wouldn’t have been a big issue had Messiah College offered its alumni, email accounts. By the way, I wrote them a letter stating they should do so. Now it appears a lot of the Facebook community is upset because of this allowance of random people into their community. While they do have a right to gripe, they should also understand that there have been some of us trying to get in for quite some time, but our college or university was just not helpful enough to comply with the rest of the world. Sure MC wants to take my money, even more so now that I am an alum, but why not offer something back in return?

Anywho, so since I’ve made a Facebook profile, I have come the conclusion that I have absolutely littered myself all over the internet (but the one that Al Gore did NOT invent). Between The Blogger, The MySpace, The YouTube, The Riya, and now The Facebook, a stalker (I know of two that exist today) could easily find out anything they want to know about me, including past relationships, videos and pictures from college, my interest, my job. Heck I bet if someone looked hard enough they could even find my mailing address.

I haven’t decided if all this free information available to anyone who wants it is a good idea yet or not. Right now I do think it’s a good thing though. I have nothing to hide about my life and I am still able to keep parts of my life secretive as I am in control of the information out there. So if you want to join the crew and stalk me, or just find out what I’ve been up to the past 6 years, just look me up. I’m “On The Net.”


Lindsay said...

This is all making it much easier for me...thanks!! Except your buddies at Riya only support IE 6 & Firefox. So for silly me that thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to IE 7 can't get into their site.

Jimmy said...

Who what?

JLC said...

Hmm, I am one of those Facebook people you speak about, but I actually have somewhat practical reasons. They should really only allow students because I think that it just makes things safer, in general. Myspace is open to everyone, and that's how you end up with pedophiles stalking 11 year old girls who lie about their birthdays. I mean, I think Facebook is safer overall than Myspace for a number of reasons. However, I still kind of wish it were only open to students and alums.

Perhaps this is also because I am a college student...?

DMM said...

Yu were not to admit to the world that I was a stalker...I perfer the term lurker...

Jimmy said...

I'm not considering you as one of the two. Most people don't wrestle their stalkers to the ground (though maybe they should).