Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Don't get me wrong. I really like my job and The Workplace, but I just can't DEAL with stupid road construction jobs. So what if The Workplace has dealings in the road construction business. Have you ever been stopped by those flag people before a road job? Well try being stopped by four of them in the same job! Incredible! I think my big ol' utility van should be allowed to just run those people over. Speaking of the big van, I have some more do's and don'ts. Do not attempt to slam on the brakes for a stop sign if your giant van does not have anti-lock brakes. Your 50 lbs UPS that was in the back of the van may just wend up chillin' right next to you. Also, don't assume that just becasue you drive a very huge van that people who pass you on the left will see that you are still next to them before they start coming back over. But beware, quick sudden movements to the right to avoid collisions may cause tools to fly about in the back of the van.

Oh and by the way, let me clearify what my job is. My job apparently is to help lazy people become even more lazy. Yes I am asked to modify software so that people can slack off more and not monitor all they are supposed to be monitoring. Apparently it is my job to inform people that they have not turned something on, that same something that can be checked just by one, not three, not five, not even two, but one simple click of a button. Come on now people. Help a young college grad out. If you're hired to do some type of task, don't expect me to write software so that you can do less. If you keep asking for this, maybe I'll just have the computer do it all itself so you can go off and fish. Of course, you would not be working for the same company I do anymore.