Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Jimmy OriginalI can’t understand how some days there is a puddle of liquid at the base of the urinal in the men’s restroom at The Workplace. I’ve flushed enough times to know that there isn’t that much water being splashed out, and I have yet to see the urinal overflow and create a puddle of this size (nothing huge, but more than just a few drops). Now I do remember a time when I was but a young buck wandering the halls of my elementary school learning to read, when my friends and I thought it would be cool to see how far we could stand from the urinal and still make it in (when you’re that small, six feet seems like a mile!). But I’ll emphasize again, I was still learning how to read. I’m not ruling this scenario entirely out though as I do believe some of the people there could still qualify for the second grade as is evident with The Poop on the Floor incident (sounds like a The Office episode uncannily enough [typed with extreme enthusiasm {typed with sheer sarcasm}]). I think the most likely explanation for the puddle is due to a small spill during it’s daily cleaning in the wee hours of the night. The puddle seems to only present itself in the morning and rarely makes an appearance in the afternoon. Sadly this is what I think about while standing a foot away from, and staring at the restroom’s stamped concrete block wall. And yes that is A Captain Jimmy original picture and yes that is of our restroom at The Workplace.


Andy said...

That's what she said.

Anonymous said...


Diane said...

TMI. This is why mother's worry about their young sons in public bathrooms. Ugh...