Tuesday, July 27, 2004

So I cut grass like a fiend today. Now if my dad is reading this, you may be a little upset, but don't worry. Since I only cut half the grass on Sunday (I was getting bored half way thru. But it was a good thing because the AVP Hermosa Beach Open came on just as I walked in the house. Hey did you know those volleyball players get paid to wear stick on tattoos to advertise for companies like Gatoraid? You could pay me a couple thousand bucks to don one of those. Although I am no Karch Kiraly, but I've got to be close right? You know that guy is 43 and still playing professional sports? I hope I'm in that good of shape in 20 years. By the way, Misty May is probably the best women's beach volleyball player in the world right now and she has an abdomen injury. The sad fact is she might not be 100% at the games in Athens, but her 80% will easily beat most women's 120%. You should have seen her when she played for UCLA. GOOD NIGHT!) I needed to finish yesterday. But it rained all day yesterday so I finished today. Yes the grass was wet and way too long (there are definitely paths of high grass, sorry I didn't tell you that on the phone tonight Dad) but if I didn't cut it today, it wasn't going to happen tomorrow. I will cut it again this week and it will look better than ever! Then I cut my grandma's grass. Hers was long too, but her walk-behind mower decided to break when I started and the self-propelled wouldn't work anymore. The thing about those self-propelled is that they are heavy. But who cares?! They go by themselves. Not when they break! I was dead tired when I finished! But all the grass is cut and I've got a glass of wine in me so I'm happy!

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