Sunday, July 25, 2004

So it appears that a new blogger has stepped forward. To avoid confusion between the different Tims, the newest member to the blogging community will be linked with Hillner. Just so you know Hillner, it's okay to get in disagreements with your fellow bloggers. Andy and Janet have different opinions all the time and who doesn't like to disagree with Vikki? Of course Roman and Amy don't really seem to care too much about blogging anymore, but hey, we hear from them every now and then.

So with that said; Vikki. You know that just because The Sox won one game against the Yankees that isn't going to change the rest of their season. At the rate they're going now, they might not even make the wildcard spot. If you want to ever see The Sox play in the World Series during your life time they need to play to win all 9 innings and not just the first couple. Beating the Yankees is good, but maybe they should work on beating some of the not-so-good teams like Detroit. Come talk to me when you're excited about the games that have been played and not the fights that took place.

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