Monday, July 25, 2005

I'd be willing to bet my life that the EZPass people weren't out testing their equipment in the 90 degree, 2000% humidity weather. Randy and I were out today testing our new RF (radio frequency) tags and reader. Beside the fact we had to run (and I use that term loosely) Ethernet about 50 feet outside the main office into the parking lot to operate the equipment, it was f'in hot to boot. We stuck an RF tag up on The Van windshield after which I drove around the parking lot like it was the NJ Turnpike. Randy held the RF tag reader antenna up in the air while we tried to monitor a laptop to see when the read actually took place as I flashed by. The results were less than impressive. So far we can't exceed a distance of five feet from the antenna. The company we purchased the reader from promised us at least 15! I'll tell you what, when this junk gets installed it better be at least 20 degrees cooler and I better be sitting in an air conditioned room watching it happen.

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