Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Today was a great day to go running, and lucky for me, it was Tuesday Run-Day, so once I got home from work, I wasted no time in shedding my clothes (not all of them) and hittin' the blacktop. The only problem was after about half way thru my run, I felt like crap. Now, I could blame it on a multitude of things. It could have been that I only got about 4.5 hours of sleep last night, thanks to some friends and an early morning wake-up call. Or perhaps the fact that it was dryer outside than a Jim Barley clothes dryer. Or it could have even been the fact that I ate 4 very fine Dunkin' Donuts before I went to bed last night. Actually I blame it on all three. But I still finished and stopping or slowing down was never an option!

On the work-side of things, I'm getting stuff done left and right. Web App is awaiting some feedback, and Time Clocks are now hitting a database and producing a log easily viewable via an internet web browser. Nothing feels better than a pat on the back by The Boss and a little hoot and holler to go with it.

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