Sunday, June 20, 2004

Well, I just got back from V-Ball. I played okay tonight. Started off a little slow, but caught up torward the end. Once I get my two weeks of the stuff all day long I should play quite well for a while.

The riding lawn mower broke down today, so my dad and I had to cut the whole yard with the push. Which wouldn't be so bad had it not been for three factors.

1. We have an acre of grass to cut
2. The grass area is not flat. You're either pushing up or running down with it.
3. The push mower path is about half of the riding path.

But we took turns and we got it down in a few hours. Not a fun way to spend the afternoon, but I didn't really mind.

Tomorrow I'm heading a meeting about the web application I've been working on at work. Supposedly I've been told I'm "bridging the gap!" Whatever the heck that means. All I know is that I've impressed a few guys with what I've been doing and now somehow I am an expert on it. Oh well. Maybe I'll make more money soon . . .

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