Saturday, April 10, 2004

That was a close one. So I'm driving to the mall to get the last minute Easter cards when suddenly I look in my rear view mirror and see a cop chillin' just a few 100 feet back. I glance at my speedometer and sure enough I'm going about 65 in a 55 construction zone no less. So as my heart starts pumping faster, I keep a constant eye on my mirror. Suddenly I see the cop move and a few seconds later his lights come on. In the mean time I am just feet away from my exit ramp and the traffic is pretty heavy. I'm thinking to myself, "If I can just make it to the ramp, he'll never see me get off." At this point my heart is racing, and I don't really no why because I'm on my own insurance plan these days and I have a job and can afford a ticket. I don't have to worry about my parents being upset or anything. But, I'm still nervous as all get-out anyway. So my eyes are no longer fixed on the road but on the mirror. The cop car is getting closer and closer. Finally I make it to my ramp just as the cop pulls a van over who was just about to pass me. Wow. It's time like that which make you go the speed limit for the rest of the day. Of course tomorrow I'll be back to the usual driving habits. Just to point out, I'm not a speed daemon or anything. I just think 70 should be the standard speed limit everywhere. Except of course in towns and such.

On a side note, the Easter card selection was pretty poor. The guy standing next to me was obviously in the same boat as myself. We were both scoping out the remainder of the Mother cards. I wonder if Hallmark keeps a hidden stash for us guys who like to wait until the last minute?

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