Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Wow, look out dogs! Two crazy dogs strolled out in front of me today along the back roads of the cove. And of course I was going over the speed limit, because that's what you do on the back roads of the cove. I had to slam my breaks on and fish-tail just slightly to avoid hitting one of them by mere feet. It brought back a quick flashback of a more . . . not-so-fortunate day, but that quickly passed and I continued on my way, just slightly on edge. I guess no one told those dogs to look both ways before crossing.

You will all be very happy to know that earlier tonight I played my first games on The Arcade! It's not really near done, I still have to add a keyboard drawer, the coin slot, a marquee and make it look all good and stuff, but the TV is in it and so is a temporary PC. It was Metal Slug 3 and World Class Bowling all the way! And one HECK of a big arcade monitor!

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