Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Son of a biscuit!!! I thought this year was going to be it! This year was supposed to be the summer of no bee stings! But, just like old times, Fate looked down upon me and just laughed his keester off! I was practicing my basketball skills (which are mostly non-existent,) last evening in my driveway. I noticed a yellow jacket or two flying around the net after I was shooting for 10 minutes or so. Now, there have been nests in the basketball unit before, and I figured this year wasn't going to be different. So I just kept on playing. Well, it wasn't more than two layups later that one drills my right in my elbow. GAHHHH!! The little twirp even had the nerve to fly away without giving me the cold satisfaction of watching him die a painful death like it should have! Last year I got stung directing traffic for camp. The year before that, I was tying my shoelace before Ultimate and one landed on my little finger. Before that, it was at the basketball net again, I jumped right into one flying by. Before that I accidentally stepped on one. With no shoes on! Before that I was mowing the lawn and mowed right over a hole, that was a nest. Hornets all over my legs! I ran like the dickens! And this year was going to be it! Well, so much for that! It's a good thing I'm not allergic. A little inch and rash and swelling never hurt anyone . . . Unless they were allergic . . .

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