Thursday, December 23, 2004

There is so much to learn in this life and not near enough time to learn it. I recently finished The Da Vinci Code and nessled within the book was a wealth of information. The book is an exigent religious read and will challenge your very core beliefs about Christianity and the Church. Of course you can read the book and blatantly refuse to believe any message the book has to tell you. But maybe what The Da Vinci Code proclaims is not so bad. We all have our beliefs and whose to say every single thing I believe is entirely accurate? I can tell you now that I know it is not, and yet, I'm okay with that. I ask you to challenge yourself and pier into why you believe what it is you believe. Think about things you believe and other's don't and visa versa. No two people will ever have the exact same beliefs. It's sort of like a religious fingerprint of sorts. The nice thing about a religious fingerprint is that it can always change, grow, and become more prominent. All you need is an open mind . . .

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