So explain something to me. If you're having trouble with your plant and you call up the experts (I'm included with the experts) and they tell you what needs to be replaced on your plant, why would you not listen to them? If you need new solenoids and we tell you that you need new solenoids, than just us telling you does not fix the problem. You need to actually replace the solenoids in order for your plant to work properly again. So now bigger things are happening and I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go fix things. And you don't want Mr. Barley finding out you didn't listen when the engineers told you to do something . . .
Here's another thing I have issues with. Now if you didn't know, I'm a huge video game buff. When a great game comes out, I want to buy it the day it comes out and have some fun for a while. This worked great this summer in NYC. I'd see Mario Golf released, I'd go buy Mario Golf. So now, today was the big day for the game I've been waiting for to be released for YEARS! Mario Kart: Double Dash! So after work I went out The City to get my hands on it, however, I wasn't thinking that this is Altoona I'm going to here. Funny, three different stores, and none of them had it yet! Come on guys! Get on the ball here!! When I come back on Wednesday, SOMEONE better have it!
One final thing. Everyone seems to be talking about Ford's and stuff. Let me express my opinion about them. I prefer to quote the brilliant scholar Mitchell Wyatt in saying, "Why is Ford like a rock? I've driven rocks before and they don't go very far!" Okay, so Mitch actually didn't say that exactly, I changed a word in his quote . . . And if you don't know what it was, well then you know even less about cars than me.
Today's Vocabulary Word: floccinaucinihilipilification: The action or habit of estimating something as worthless