Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I mean is it cold, or is it COLD? WOW it's cold! I'm pretty the snot in my nose froze up faster than a deer in your headlights. To top it off, the heat at the office isn't working too well. It was 49 degrees in one guy's office this morning when he got in. It was in the mid 60s in my department. Cold fingers does not make for pretty code. But at least I'm out of the office tomorrow. I get to go work on a plant conversion out in THE FRICKIN' SUB DEGREE TEMPERATURES! But that's ok. I suppose that is what winter clothing is for. Bring on the hand-warmers, and the toe-warmers and the nose-warmers, and the . . .

Today's Video Game Quote: "I couldn't open it. That lock was harder to pick than a broken nose!"

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