Thursday, October 16, 2003

So, I got home from work and went for a run today. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are Run-days. I'm at about the 1.5 mile mark when all the sudden there's a horse and buggy coming straight at me. Now, if you're familiar with the proper way of running you know that you run towards traffic. Well in the cove, "traffic" doesn't just mean American cars(notice how I'm not mentioning foreign cars here), but it also means Amish "cars" as well. Now, the Amish are nice group a people. They're a little odd, but they're nice folks. Always waving and smiling. Their horses on the other hand, big and scary! I try not to get to close to horses. Mainly because they're big and scary. But I think today was the closest I may ever want to be to a horse. I mean, I ran past it and could have reached out and touched the thing! HOLY CRAP! Can you picture a giant horse charging straight at you?! I mean, I don't know if I'm going to scare it and starts kicking its legs at me or if it just decides to head-butt me off the road. So, I held my breath (which was hard because I'M RUNNING!) and made it by the horse without incident. Of course as I run by the friendly Amish family waves HI to me. I give a polite wave and a nervous smile. In my head I'm think, "Holy crap that was a big scary horse!"

Back on the subject of work, I'm noticing day after day people standing around and talking to others. Now I know there's nothing wrong with taking breaks to talk to you buddy, but it seems I see the same few all day long talking to cubicles all around. I go to the bathroom, see Person X talking over there. I go to the bathroom later, there's Person X over there now. I go to the bathroom again (I drink way too much coffee at work!) and there's Person X in the next room. I go to make copies, Person X is still talking with yet more people! Do you catch my drift? Why can't I have her job? Well, come on, it was pretty obvious it was a girl, who else can talk all day long? Actually, I'm not really sure what her job is, in fact, I think she's in my cubicle room.

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